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Bukreyev peak hike


Trekking to Bukreyev peak over Lesnoy pass

 Bukreyev peak trekking

It makes sense to reach the top of Bukreyev peak from the Butakovka Gorge. The route starts on the parking at the end of the paved road. For the first 1,3km it follows a dirt road along the gorge, with smooth inclination. Then you should turn left, inside the first met gorge. The turn in clearly visible, there is a good trail so it's hard to miss.

You're now heading Lesnoy pass. It's height is 2250m, the ascent to the pass is not really difficult and goes along the serpentine path. Once the pass is reached, turn right and move up along the ridge towards the top. In the beginning the path passes through a dense coniferous forest, then comes into the zone of alpine meadows. Following this good track along the ridge, you will finally find yourself on the top of Bukreyev peak, 3010m in height. At the top there is a memorial plaque in honor of the world-famous climber Anatoly Bukreev. Stunning view of the Kotyrbulak mount (3040m) and the snowy peaks of the Trans-Ili Alatau opens up here.

There are different options for going down: you can either take the same trail, which was used for the way up. Or continue hiking along the ridge in the southern direction, cross over the Kotyrbulak and come to the Butakovsky pass 2880m. From the pass go further down to the upper reaches of the Butakovka River. Then along the right bank of the river, by a good track up to the beginning of asphalt road.

 Season   May - October
 Distance one way  16 km
 Ascent/eleveation     1200m
 Descent   1200m
 Highest point  3040m
 Lowest point   1840m
 Trekking time  6 - 8 hours
 Difficulty  moderate

Bukreyev peak trekking map

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